Thursday, October 30, 2008

More Misc...

Random shots from the past few days...It's Fall and I still have tomatoes growing... well I think they have stopped growing and will forever be green... regardless Liane loves to go to the garden and pick tomatoes
Playing in the leaves in our backyard... I'd say someone has a lot of work to do back here... 1,2,3 NOT IT!!

More playing in the leaves... the bazillion of them

Liane found the bathingsuit drawer and one day thought it was super fun to wear one of my bottoms from back in the day ( ok just so all of you know... like it's any of your business, but posterity might read this one day and I want no rumors being spread about a hoochy grandma... I am long waisted and have a HARD time finding one piece bathing suits so I wear two pieces with a tank on top... ok there! :-)

Liane and Ivy playing with Legos

Grandma and all of her grandbabies! A room with 4 kids under the age of 3 has never been so quiet... thankgoodness for Legos!!

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