We decided that we would start the tradition of coloring Easter eggs on the friday before Easter (so that the Easter Bunny could make a special early stop at our home friday night and Liane could wake up to her basket of goodies on Saturday morning instead of Sunday). We really want to keep Sunday a special day - set apart from the other days of the week- and keep it focused on the Savior and keeping that day Holy. Nothing wrong with the commercialized Easter happiness at all ( I love it in fact!), but we just dont feel right mixing that with the TRUE meaning of why we celebrate Easter in the first place, on Sunday. So the tradition began this year and I think it worked out perfectly! Liane had a BLAST coloring the eggs and kept asking for more... I think she would have colored 3 dozen if we let her! So much fun!
1 comment:
You are so daring! I was going to try and color eggs with Lucas, but then I chickened out. I just thought that he would be too wild and make a huge mess. I decided to wait until next year to start the tradition.
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