Saturday, April 11, 2009

Liane's favorite movies

This was Liane's first favorite movie. She started watching it at about 6 months, but really only looked at the little blue puppet when he came on the screen. A few months ago she started requesting us to play this... over and over and over. This is where she learned the signs she does know. As she would watch it more and more, she would begin to talk along with it and make the signs... it was so cute! So this was officially the FIRST movie she started requesting and watching a crazy amount of times.
Until she met Elmo... Liane is now in love with anything Elmo. I found this movie at the library ( I had seen it years ago when I was a nanny) and thought Liane might get a kick out of it. Well I was right. She LOVES it! She requests "Elmo" at least once a day. It is so cute to watch how she is so focused on Elmo and all that is going on in the movie... today was the first time she has actually watched a movie the whole way through (ok she played a bit too, but she was in the living room and payed attention as she did other things).

I do not let Liane watch much TV. Really she only watches a little bit of "Lazy Town" in the morning when she wakes up. The rest of the day we are busy doing our lessons, playing, exploring, doing art, listening to music, dancing, taking care of the household chores, and running errands. Every now and again we have some down time and watch a show together. It is sweet to watch her develop interests and her "things". Things that she loves, looks forward to, and gets hooked on. Of all the things out there, I'm happy she is hooked on Elmo ( I adore him too!).

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