Sunday, April 19, 2009


It's funny because I used to be a huge fan of my "comfort zone". It was nice, it was safe, it was predictable and well, comfortable. As I have grown and gone through some changes, I come to realize that my comfort zone was not a fan of me, or didnt have my best interest in mind. It didnt want me to grow, to think outside the box, or to leave. It wanted to hold me back.

These past few years and more specifically this past year or so, I have been stretched in ways I had never expected (and yes, it was painful at times, but not all). I have a strong testimony that we are not ever sent a trial, difficulty, weakness, etc that we cannot handle with God's help. I also have a strong testimony that God wants us to constantly be changing, growing, and learning. That is part of why we are on this earth and do have to pass through trials.

So, I have, through my experiences, come to not be comfortable with my comfort zone. I am always on the look for something I can do to grow, to stretch myself, to learn, and to reach my potential as a daughter of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend and neighbor. And every so often I get this strong feeling inside me that its time for a big change. I dont always know what it is, but I know its BIG and its GOOD! The last time I got this feeling it was years ago when I knew that I needed to move out of my parents house for the first time. I was 26 and quite comfortable at home. When the thought came to move ( and more specifically move to Utah of which I had only visite a few times) I was excited and way scared! For many reasons I felt that I was not ready for such a move and more importantly I was worried that my family would not be ready for my move. We had gone through a lot up until that point in time and I felt like I was needed there and things would fall apart if I left. Well I had this idea (prompting if you will) for a couple of years before I ever made a move, and when I finally did move (my comfort zone was WAY uncomfortable at that time - God was working on me for sure) it wasnt to Utah, but to San Diego I went. Utah was too far and scarry for me, so San Diego seemed a much better/easier option. I struggled the 2 years I was there. Mostly my own doing, but God is merciful and has a plan for us and will make sure it happens one way or another.... lol. God got me to Utah where He wanted me in the first place, when He blessed me to meet Salomon who was living in Utah. Gotta love the irony!

Well I am getting that feeling again... time for change, BIG change and I can honestly say I could not be more ready or excited for it. I welcome it and have been prepared by God for it. I dont know what it is this time, but that doesnt matter. I dont have to know the details, but olny that its coming from God and its going to be good!

Ok so whats my point? Well lots of things, but mostly that God has a plan for me and only I can stand in the way of it happening. I have things I would like to do or accomplish, but He has better plans in mind. I need to be open to listening to the spirit when it whispers to me what I need to do or direction I need to take and then have the faith to follow it no matter how far out of my comfort zone it takes me. For I know that this is the only way I will fulfill God's purposes in my life and find the deepest joy and blessings from Him. I cannot be afraid of anything when it comes to following God, no matter what direction it takes me. Faith and fear cannot exisit at the same time. I refuse to live my life in fear, so I choose FAITH, and always will.


Erin said...

Isn't it funny how we just fight so hard against the things that our Heavenly Father wants for us? I have always found myself doing that, and it never leads to happiness. Thank goodness he usually seems a way to give it to us anyway in the long run.

Brad and Mo Petersen said...

I give a darn! I will just say Amen and Amen. That post receives a standing ovation in my book!

Salomon said...

I concur...