Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Word update

Here are the latest additions to Liane's words... ( I post these for my journaling benefit :-)

nappy, nite nite, chocolate, dress, shirt, top, elbow, shoulder, knee, I see you, bettle, rock, pine cone, cheek, music, singing, four, five, lid, excuse me, Boots (from Dora), medicine, monkey, snake, funny, silly, elephant, pretzle, piggie, birthday, cake, Abby (Seseme Street ), Telly (SS), vitamins, lion, window, paint, color, farm, prophet, Monson (current Prophet of our church), temple, dinner, bed, Noodie (Grandma's dog), nice, listen, I sorry, I love you, Ken, Katie, Koral, Charly (all these names are family related).

casa - house
baño - bathroom/bath
nariz - nose
dos - two
mucho - a lot/much
luego - (hasta luego) - see you later
gracias - thank you
noches - night
mañana - tomorrow
libro - book
pato - duck
tele- TV
bola - ball
zana - (manzana) - apple
Beto- Bert from Seseme Street

One day we were walking up the stairs in our house and counting them as we go....

Me: one
Liane: two
Me: three
Liane: four, five, six

Another day, same situation...

Me: uno, dos, tres, quatro
Liane: cinco, seis, siete, ocho

My in-laws watch Liane every Wednesday night so Salomon and I can go to the temple. One Wednesday I was preping Liane for the evening...

Me: Liane, you are going to go to Grandma and Grandpa Cano's house tonight.
Liane: "temple?"

LOL she knows!

During the colder months my Dad would come over every so often to use our treadmill to exercise. One day we were outside and my Dad had just gotten home from work (he lives next door)...

Me: oh look Liane its Grandpa!
Liane: exercise?

LOL she is too funny!!

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