Sunday, December 28, 2008

To my lovely wife Salomon

Sweetheart......I want to let you know this day how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I'll never forget the first time I saw you, you were so beautiful and today you are even more beautiful. Being together all these years has been an amazing experience, filled with many wonderful memories, beautiful moments and at the same time with many challenges and difficult situations. But all these things happen for a reason, and it's to help us grow, to regain or focus and to be happy. Please know that my love for you is stronger every day, there is no doubt in my heart that we meant to be together. I thank my Heavenly Father for the beautiful and precious eternal companion he has given me. Forgive me for my imperfections as I strive to be the man you need. Thank you for all your love, your dedication, your care and your commitment to us.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Eve

In Salomon's family Christmas is celebrated on Christmas Eve, and so we went to his parents house for dinner and gifts that night. We had a wonderful meal together followed by exchanging the gifts we had gotten one another. It was a nice evening spent together to help celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. *note... Liane's super cute dress we got on Olvera Street in Los Angeles... too cute.
Also, we really did not do much of anything on Christmas day... we typically would do something with my family that day, but they were all in CA still and so we decided to just spend the day relaxing at home together. (the weather was bad ( well not bad, I love the snow and was grateful for a white Christmas) that day too, so it was nice to be home).


Ok so long story short, but we had a big snow storm yesterday and I had to go out and shovel the snow from not only our driveway and sidewalk, but my parents house as well (they are still in CA, but some were coming home last night and would need to be able to get a car into the driveway). This was a HUGE task since it was just little ol' me (ok Liane too, but she wasnt much help in the snow shoveling department... she was however super cute!) I busted out the shovel and got to work, but wanted to cry when I saw just how much snow had accumulated... about 1-2 feet of snow. I didnt know how I was going to do it, but I got started anyway and after about an hour worth of work (which looks like I did nothing!) a neighbor saw me and came out with his snow plow and took care of my parents house (which I was working on at the time) and then finished his own... when he then saw that I had moved on to shovel my house, he came over and told me to go relax and he would take care of it... in the meantime another neighbor who had seem me shoveling my driveway got his snow plow out to help me as well, but then saw that I was already being helped. Such nice men! I am so blessed to have such wonderful neighbors!! Thank you SOOOOO much!! Here are some pics of the measly work that I performed by hand... Oh and sweet little Liane too!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Cali trip!

Ah yes, the long awaited trip to California with my family... here are some pics from the festivities... Grand Central Market - Los Angeles (friday)
Olvera Street (friday... this was the end of our happy first day in Cali... for it was SHATTERED by the proceeding 4 HOURS of traffic we sat in... nightmare to say the least... I dont miss that!!)

The cousins playing on the luggage cart (sunday)

Visits from Stacey, Joe and Mason (Stacey and I have been friends since 2nd grade!), and Kari and Amanda on Sunday... thanks again everyone for coming to see us!!

Disneyland... in the rain (just for a little bit)... whats my luck with Disney this year?? Flashbacks to Magic Kingdom back in August...

Liane loving the Disney characters!!

Friend get together... these are my Elementary School friends... all of us did everything together! Ah the sleepovers!! Our poor moms!! We have not seen each other in 14 years!! Thanks so much girls for making it possible for us all to get together... sooooo good to see you all again!! My how we have all grown up... kids and all.

Ward Christmas Party (Im catching up on old things....)

Here we are at the ward Christmas Party on Dec 13th... yes, as you can see, Liane was not really diggin' the whole Santa thing (which I expected really)... we tried though... maybe next year??

32 Christmas'...

This Christmas marks the 32nd Christmas I have had ( yes, and therefore my 32nd Birthday as well). A few Christmas' I remember, and like many, most I do not - not the details anyway. I remember one's from my childhood when I got a special toy or item that I had really been hoping for (dolls, jewelry, plain white t-shirts with a box of puffy paints to decorate them with, my Raggedy Ann and Andy toy box, etc...)'s filled with excitement to go to my Aunt's house and see my cousins... one's full of plenty, and one's a bit more simple... one's filled with joy, happiness, good food, friends and family, and one's where everything didnt go quite as planned.

Now being a mother, I have the blessing of seeing Christmas again through a child's eyes and I have watched how the meaning of Christmas (or rather the way I want to celebrate Christmas) has changed. Christmas has always had the same meaning to me (ok besides when I was a child and didnt know the difference)... it is to celebrate Christ's birth. As far as what I do on Christmas, what gifts I give, how much time I spend shopping for that "perfect gift", what I hope for, and where I place my focus and energy during the holiday season is changing drastically for me. For me during Christmas, (and really in all aspects of my life) I am trying to simplify and minimize the drama in it. I guess I am beginning to put two and two together... if the real meaning of Christmas is to celebrate Christ's birth, then the gifts we give, the time we spend, the activities we do, should all be centered around that to then right? So why do I stress about finding that perfect gift or spend wasted energy in the long lines in stores for it, when in the end, the gift is appreciated, but in the following days, months, years it will be forgotten. Now dont get me wrong... gifts are nice and fun and absolutely a wonderful way to express love and appreciation... Im just questioning the need to impress, over spend, and out do...

Bottom line... for me, as I get older and wiser ( I hope), I want to give something simple and meaningful. Something with thought, heartfelt, and sincere, and the best part is, it doesnt have to cost a lot of money or time. Quality time with loved ones, a phone call, a letter of appreciation or love, bearing of one's testimony, something homemade or sentimental, service. These are the things that will last and be remembered and cherished forever. Something given/done out of pure love.

I hope this Christmas has been wonderful for all... I have a new desire and determination to bring the real "reason for the season" into what I do on Christmas from now on.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'm on a break!!

The long awaited trip to California is here and we are leaving on an airplane bright and early in the morning! We will be meeting up with my family who is driving there... stay tuned for pics of all the festivities!! C ya!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thank you Liane today for...

Thank you sugar for being so good today. Thank you for playing so nicely while mommy had to bake what felt like 5000 cookies for the Cookie Exchange she had to go to tonight. Thank you for holding out the 2.5 hours it took me to do so! Thank you for tasting my cookies and liking them - at least the first one you tried (the second one was rolled over by your toy car repeatedly and therefore broken into many little pieces that I had to clean up, but I was grateful to do so since it meant that I had to stop what I was doing and come down to the floor and spend some one on one time with you). Thank you for taking a nap this morning which meant that I could eat a bagel, take a shower, check my email, print off the recipe for and bag the 5000 cookies for tonight. Thank you for again being so amazing while you ate all of your yummy lunch mommy made you so that you can grow up healthy and strong, but also that allowed me to then start on the dinner that I had to make for Grandma/Grandpa Cano, Aunt Lilly/Uncle Carlos, Daddy, Mommy and you. Thank you for coming into the kitchen with me -since I couldn't come to the living room with you- to spend time with me and go through all of the pots and pans and spices that you could get your sweet little hands on. Thank you for the mess that I once again got to clean up since that meant that I could take another welcome break (you know, your mommy has a hard time stopping once she gets started and you sometimes need to help mommy remember to take a breather every once and a while). Thank you for being such a trooper as mommy finished the soup, lasagna and dishes for what felt like the 10th time. I think mommy lost a layer of skin today on her hands from the 1000 times she washed them. Thank you for wanting to hold my hand anyway. Thank you for getting so excited and yelling "yeeeeaaaaahhhh" when I asked you if you wanted to go outside and check the mail with me. Thank you for reminding mommy that it is the simple things that can bring such joy and happiness. Thank you for playing outside with mommy and helping bring the trashcans up for daddy. Thank you for taking another nap today that made it possible for mommy to clean up and eat a quick lunch. Thank you after all of this craziness today, for letting mommy go to the temple with daddy while Grandma Cano watched you. Thank you for being such a good girl for your Grandparents. You make it possible for daddy and I to go to the temple weekly, and if I can teach you nothing else, I hope I can teach you the supreme importance of attending the temple as often as you can. And if that was not enough for you to do for mommy today, thank you for again letting mommy leave and go to the Cookie Exchange. I know you wanted mommy to stay and hold you and trust me sugar, I wanted to do the same, but you see, I made 5000 cookies today that needed to leave our home immediately and I had to go. Thank you for being so good even though you were tired and ready for bed. Thank you for waiting up for me and for the sweet smile you get when I walk in the door. Thank you for the simple little "up" you say when I come upstairs after being gone. Thank you for laying your head on my shoulder and hugging me when I come home and pick you up. Thank you for wanting to be close to me. Thank you for being so fantastic at going to bed and falling asleep. Thank you for sleeping through the night. Thank you mostly for loving me, trusting me, and for being the most amazing daughter any mommy could have!! I love you with all of my heart and soul and will for all eternity (and thats a long time!! :-) I love you Liane!! xoxo

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jake & Ashlee Are Engaged!!

Aww... My lil' bro is engaged!! December 6th was the date and Ensign Peak was the place. Congrats to he and Ashlee!! I love you!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Spanish Christmas Concert & Temple Square

On Saturday we went to downtown Salt Lake City (Temple Square) to see Salomon's parents and sister perform in the Recibid al Rey concert ( a Christmas concert in spanish). It was a beautiful concert and we had a wonderful time with his family. After the concert we ate a late lunch together and then Salomon, Liane and I spent some time enjoying the lights on Temple Square... absolutly gorgeous!! Here are some pics from the days festivities... Inside the Tabernacle and after the show

Mommy, Daddy & Liane

The gorgeous lights!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Festival of Trees

My mom, Liane and I went to the annual Festival of Trees here in UT thanks to my in-laws who got us the tickets to do so! All items displayed were up for sale and the proceeds go to Primary Children's Hospital. Such a great idea! Here are some pics of the decorations and trees that my mom and I liked. Lots of great ideas for the upcoming years!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Decorating the Christmas tree

Ok so now that it is after Thanksgiving, it is legal to put up our Christmas tree!:-) This was Liane's first time participating in this fun tradition! Now, I grew up with live trees and Salomon grew up with artificial ones... (are you feeling the tension? ;-) So we compromise, and the first year we got married Salomon was gracious enough to go against everything he stands for and got a live tree for me (good man) and so then last year we used the artificial one his family gave us before we got married. Well this year then would be the live tree year, but since we will be out of town for part of this month, with a little one around who likes to put anything into her mouth, and while trying to "go green" and help save the environment, we are going with the artifical one this year again ( we shall see about next year :-)

Gardner Village

Gardner Village is seriously the cutest little village (shops and restaraunts... used to be actual homes back in the day - and a mill I think as well)... I want to live there! Here are some of the pics we took today on our first trip there as a family... too cute!!

No turkey for me...

Well no "Turkey Trot" for me that is... I tried training for it twice, but each time ended up with a bad cold that stopped me dead in my tracks :-( Oh well not meant to be this year. But the other turkey I did have an enjoyed! We had two yummy Thanksgiving dinners with our families. These pictures are of what I am most thankful for... family and creating memories!! ( ummm I feel bad that I dont have a pic with my neice Koral in it... I think she was downstairs avoiding the crowd most of the time... smart girl! ) Salomon and I
Salomon with Liane and Diesel
Ma and Pa Wirfs
Liane and Diesel
Ken and Ivy
Katie and Ivy
Katie and Jake
Mama and Papa Cano
Lilly and CarlosOpening a presant from the Cano's
ta-da !

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Ok so I was thinking of Thanksgiving and all of the things I am so thankful for this year - or just in general- and I decided to make a list of them to share with you all... in no particular order...

*My Heavenly Father for His love, mercy, for knowing who I am, what I need, and when I need it

*Jesus Christ - truly my Savior, Friend, Comforter

*the spirit that guides me and helps me make correct decisions and helps me gain an eternal perspective when I need it

* my sweet husband - i love waking up each morning to see him lying next to me - safe and sound. To know that he gets to work safely and back home again each night is truly a blessing from above of which I am so grateful for.

*my amazing daughter - to see her smile, hear her laugh, watch her grow, to hear her cry for I know that she is blessed with good strong lungs and is alive and well :-) To have the blessing of being her mommy, to teach her and love her and raise her. To always have her as my daughter and best friend!

*family - the wonderful parents that I have - so selfless, loving, and hard working. Who love unconditionaly and allow us to be who we are and allow God to work the miracles He has for us in our lives. My brothers, so funny, smart. Who are protective and respectful of me. For sister in laws that are good, righteous, strong women, a brother in law that is a good hard working man, and mother/father in law that are righteous people who love us

* life in general - my life, lives of my family members, and all of Gods creations (ok maybe not cockroaches :-)

*the gospel

*faith that sustains me, prayer that comforts me and guides me and blesses me and others

*miracles - they do still happen and I have come to expect them because I know that God still lives and blesses His children

*love, charity, service for others - not only blesses those whom you serve, but yourself as well

*temples and geneology - so amazing to do the work for ourselves and family who have passed on

*scriptures - fill me with the spirit and gives me answers to the questions I have - it never fails!

*the safety my loved ones and I are blessed with everyday. I know that is no small thing and I thank God for it everyday!

*health - generally speaking we are all healthy and well

*home - there truly is no place like it and I do my best to make "home a heaven on earth"

*repentance/forgivness - where would I be without it? I dont want to know. How thankful I am that all the dumb things I do can be forgotten and erased... if I could only forget them :-)

*progression/growth/trials - we are sent trials to help us learn and grow and I am so thankful when God lets me know He thinks its time for me to do some learning and changing - tough but so worth it

*laughter - such good medicine - so thankful I have a sense of humor and can laugh at life - and people sometimes ;-)

*knowledge that keeps me learning and growing and expanding my horizons

*seasons - certainly designed by God - beautiful!

*warmth - oh how nice it is to not be cold!

*friends who help lift when sad, share joys and sorrows, create memories with. I have been blessed with so many great friends!

*children- we have so much we can learn from them, we truly should be more like them

*books - I love to read and am thankful for people who were blessed with the ability to write - to take us to other places mentally and who help us with all of those amazing "self help" books :-)

*nicknames- um seriously what would I do if I couldnt call Liane "peanut", "monkey boo", "sugar", or "love bug", Salomon "bebe", my brother Jake "Beans", my mom "Mamacita", my dad "Pappy", my neices Koral and Ivy "Koral Boral/ Monkey" and "Ivy-kins", my friend Melissa "Mel", Stacey "Ace", Erin "Ewin", or if no one called me "Ness", "Sessa", or "Baby"???? Really, I just dont want to think about it ;-)

*surprises - how fun to create them and to have one given to you... fun for all

*the ability to walk - what a wonderful way to release energy and to get exercise and not to mention get from place to place

*beach/ocean - gorgeous and relaxing - what else can I say?

*common sense - I think I have it of which I am grateful for and wished that others had more of it ;-)

*sight - what a blessing!! what would I do if I couldnt see my hubby or daughter again?? So grateful for that beautiful gift!

*traveling - oh how I love to do it. How great to see other places of the world... we then realize how small we are in the grand scheme of things

*goodness of others- I am thankful for others who see a need and meet it - keeps peace, bulids friendships and makes the world go round

*law of tithing- its a principal with a promise for sure - we have never gone without and have always had more than what we need

*holidays/food - make my heart happy

*traditions- so fun, helps to create memories and binds family

*creativity - what a wonderful way to express oneself and have fun - its theraputic

*music- has the power to uplift and touch hearts

*exercise - I need more of it and feel so amazing when I can do it

*nursery manual and Ensign magazine - help me teach the gospel to Liane and gives me insight and strength

*massages- who doesnt love those? I am grateful for the relaxation they give me and the tension they release! Hint hint hubby! ;-)

*sour candy & pickles- makes my mouth water just thinking about them

Ok that is all for now... and I will spare you with the rest... but I am so thankful truly for everything that I have and for who I am.

Small spaces

One of Liane's new joys is to squeeze her cute little body into the smallest space she can... here are some of the latest I caught on camera... funny girl (and she knows it :-) Dumped out all of my hair things and got into this tiny basket!!
Exploring her laundry basket
She makes me laugh!
Dumped her books out of this basket so she could stand in it.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Salomon and I this weekend

Holiday pics by Jake

My brother Jake is really getting into photography and we asked him to take our Christmas card pics this year... and so here are the ones we love, but are not on our cards (gotta save those for Christmas!)... great job Beans!!

Liane's Meltdown

Ok so this was taken about a month ago, but I am just getting around to posting it now... this is one night when Liane and I were home because she was not feeling well. She had started this new game of trying to put a towel on her head and walk around... too cute, but this particular night she had major meltdown when it didnt work (again, she wasnt feeling well... kinda long but super funny - to us at least :-)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

And the words just keep a comin'

Are are some of the latest things to come out Liane's mouth... such a funny girl!

caro (car in spanish)
oswald (a show I really dont like so we dont watch it anymore :-)
gorla (gorilla - from the book "Goodnight Gorilla")
mo mo (elmo)
papos (zapatos - shoes in spanish)

She can also identify...
feet/toe toes

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And more words...

Here are some of Liane's latest additions... seems to be adding them by the day now... so cute!

agua (yes, "water" in spanish)
si ("yes" in spanish)
thank you
knock knock
otro ("another" in spanish)
apano (trying to say platano which is "banana" in spanish)
choo choo
oink oink

Noises she can make
fire truck

Signs she can make

Friday, November 7, 2008

Just practicing...

Ta-da I think it worked! Thanks to all who helped me figure out how to do this.... maybe Im kinda cool now?? :-(

Liane's first taste of snow... literally!

Well since it really is still fall, the snow melts quickly after a storm when the sun comes out. It was actually warm the other day and I wanted to take Liane out to have her first experience playing in the snow before it was completely gone. You can see by the pics the sheer joy on her face at the idea of wearing boots and having to walk in them - on the grass which she equally enjoys ( I hope you are sensing my sarcasm!). She did finally get her hands in the snow and tried to eat some... no worries it wasn't yellow- or any color besides pure white. The "fun" lasted all of about 5 minutes, but it was nice to get out of the house!
Ah see the joy and excitement!

You can see how thrilled she was about the snow - here she is pointing to the trashcans - it was trash day and she loves to watch the trash get picked up and the point out all the trash cans left on the street - good times!

First taste of snow!

Oh Im sure there will be many more where this came from!