Friday, March 26, 2010

My Poor Baby!!

Liane is now 2.5 years old and to be honest, up until this point in time, she has never been the kind of child that puts foreign objects into her mouth. We really have not had to "watch" her too closely regarding this. Until now... and wouldnt you know it, the first time she DOES put something into her mouth that she isnt suppose to, it has an AWFUL consequence! A neighbor two houses down has a tree (come to find out it is a Honey Locust tree - as far as we can tell) and this tree has many bean/seed pods on them which have blown into our yard. Liane discoverd that if she opens the pod she can find little "beans" in them. She had collected some of them and had them in a little tin to collect. Well long story short - I found out that after a week of having them, she ATE all of them and her poor little stomach has been a MESS ever since!! She has had bad diarrhea, no appetite, and a fever (just one night). It has been almost a week now and she is finally begining to eat some food - SLOWLY - and is drinking lots of fluids to keep her hydrated. Liane is a total trooper though and besides the diarrhea and not eating, you really would never know she felt so awful. Poor baby!!!! She is doing so much better now and I could not be happier. So parents beware of this sort of thing - or this tree in particular... we read that the seeds and pod are actually edible and sweet, but for some reason they didnt sit well with Liane. Maybe its because she ate them whole and her body is having a hard time digesting them. In any case, I would just be cautious of your kids playing with these pods - as fun as they may be. Even though Liane is having a slow recovery and it was a mess for a while, I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for watching over her and blessing her little body to do its job and get rid of what was bothering her. Im so grateful it wasnt worse.

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