This Christmas marks the 32nd Christmas I have had ( yes, and therefore my 32nd Birthday as well). A few Christmas' I remember, and like many, most I do not - not the details anyway. I remember one's from my childhood when I got a special toy or item that I had really been hoping for (dolls, jewelry, plain white t-shirts with a box of puffy paints to decorate them with, my Raggedy Ann and Andy toy box, etc...)'s filled with excitement to go to my Aunt's house and see my cousins... one's full of plenty, and one's a bit more simple... one's filled with joy, happiness, good food, friends and family, and one's where everything didnt go quite as planned.
Now being a mother, I have the blessing of seeing Christmas again through a child's eyes and I have watched how the meaning of Christmas (or rather the way I want to celebrate Christmas) has changed. Christmas has always had the same meaning to me (ok besides when I was a child and didnt know the difference)... it is to celebrate Christ's birth. As far as what I do on Christmas, what gifts I give, how much time I spend shopping for that "perfect gift", what I hope for, and where I place my focus and energy during the holiday season is changing drastically for me. For me during Christmas, (and really in all aspects of my life) I am trying to simplify and minimize the drama in it. I guess I am beginning to put two and two together... if the real meaning of Christmas is to celebrate Christ's birth, then the gifts we give, the time we spend, the activities we do, should all be centered around that to then right? So why do I stress about finding that perfect gift or spend wasted energy in the long lines in stores for it, when in the end, the gift is appreciated, but in the following days, months, years it will be forgotten. Now dont get me wrong... gifts are nice and fun and absolutely a wonderful way to express love and appreciation... Im just questioning the need to impress, over spend, and out do...
Bottom line... for me, as I get older and wiser ( I hope), I want to give something simple and meaningful. Something with thought, heartfelt, and sincere, and the best part is, it doesnt have to cost a lot of money or time. Quality time with loved ones, a phone call, a letter of appreciation or love, bearing of one's testimony, something homemade or sentimental, service. These are the things that will last and be remembered and cherished forever. Something given/done out of pure love.
I hope this Christmas has been wonderful for all... I have a new desire and determination to bring the real "reason for the season" into what I do on Christmas from now on.