Monday, April 5, 2010


I still do my weekly lessons/themes with Liane and this week we are talking about rain/water, umbrellas and how to dress for the rain. In these pics she is gluing buttons to the top part of her umbrella. Shortly into her gluing I noticed that she started sorting the buttons on her own!! She was totally focused and having a great time, I just had to take pics! I love to watch her learn and grow!!!! Good job Liane!! (notice the outfit too... all decked out in her Cinderella dress from Halloween, her necklace and all the bracelets she owns. Thats my girl!!) Purple first... (and a whole lotta glue lol) green, then yellow
Liane's handy work


Erin said...

Cute! Liane is going to be very prepared for school when the time comes. I love your new header pic and blog design too! They even match with monochromatic colors.

canohappiness said...

I hope Liane will be prepared... Im sure she will :-) And yes, you have to know that I would try and match my pic to my background... LOL Im so OCD!