Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Egg Coloring

Tonight we colored eggs with Liane. We started a tradition of coloring eggs on Friday so the Easter Bunny can come to our house a day early and hide the eggs. We want to keep Sunday a holy day and have it be focused on the Savior and the true reasons why we celebrate Easter in the first place. I grew up loving the holiday, the eggs, the candy and all and didnt want to do away with it so we found a nice way to incorporate it all. "Commercialized" easter on Saturday and the "Real" easter on Sunday- church, spending time with family, and enjoying a meal. Its great!!


Lindsay said...

I totally agree with you! We did Easter on Saturday my whole life growing up. That is what I planned on when I had kids, but my "family" does it on Sunday. So much for that.

Lindsay said...

I agree. I would like to go back to Easter bunny on Saturday, but apparently, I'm the only one in my family who feels that way.

canohappiness said...

Oh that does make it hard doesnt it? Im trying to think of a compromise, but Im not coming up with one lol.