Thursday, July 17, 2008

4th of July and the tooth

So a couple of days before the 4th of July I noticed that Liane had the top of her first tooth poking out! So cute! I thought how easily that had happened since she showed no signs whatsoever that she was in any pain or discomfort and I thought we had one of those babies... the ones who teeth with no problems... dun dun dun... until the 4th of July. Liane woke up that morning a different child. Still the one we love with all of our hearts, but all of a sudden she had a fever, stuffy nose, didnt want to eat or play and cried constantly. Where oh where has our little girl gone? Poor baby!! I think she cried more that week than she has all of her 10 months on this earth combined. Slowly but surely she has been getting better and is back to eating, sleeping and playing as usual. Now I am scared though... are we - I mean is she - going to have to go through this with every little tooth... heaven help us! I had the thought one night as I was trying to drift off to sleep... I thought to myself, I know Heavenly Father loves us and I know He is ever aware of us and our pain, our suffering, our need, and I know He wants to comfort us and help us. I thought about how much I love Liane and how I wanted to help her so badly, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't take the pain away... it was a necessary part of her growth and development. And then I thought - playing devils advocate- God is all powerful and can do anything He wants... so why did He make teething painful for babies?? They suffer and then forget about it, so there really cannot be any lessons learned from this for them right? And then I thought... duh, the lesson is not for them to learn, but for us... for ME. I need to learn patience and how to comfort. Liane suffered so I can learn something... I thank her for being a trooper and allowing mommy to learn. I thank Heavenly Father even more for the blessing of being a mom and having such an amazing little girl to be my daughter... how blessed am I? I am grateful for the teaching moments life presents us... the key is to recognize them and learn from them. Lesson learned... I hope. So needless to say, no fireworks for us here in cano-land on the 4th of July... but all is well... there will be many firework shows when the kids get older... right now we are needed somewhere else.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

I love your optimism! (sp?) I saw your post on facebook. I also have a blog but it is private, send me an email and i'll invite you to it, It is so hard to see them hurt with their teeth coming in, something that worked well for us our Hylands teething tablets, it gives instant relief. Good luck!