Thursday, September 16, 2010

Liane's 3rd Birthday!!

Liane Alicia Cano born September 14, 2007 8:39pm 7lbs 13oz 20 inches
Most amazing day of our lives!
September 14, 2008
One year old
Loves baby dolls, books and Backyardigans

September 14, 2009
Two years old
Loves baby dolls (still), books, movies, art, talking, and Elmo/Abby

September 14, 2010
Three years old
Loves baby dolls (STILL), movies, talking, talking, talking, books, going to church, traveling, shopping, playing, dressing up and anything PRINCESS!

Our little girl turned 3 this week!! I cannot believe how fast time has flown! Liane is such an angel. She is learning and growing faster each day. She is sweet, funny, creative, smart, and gorgeous. She is our little princess. This week has been/is full of birthday celebrations. More pics to follow...


Erin said...

Happy Birthday to Liane! How the time flies. She's looking SO grown up.

Allison said...

She is the cutest little girl. Cannot believe she is three!!!

Eve @ A Full Heart said...

Happy Birthday Liane!!! Vanessa, find me at Eve Brestak on FB! I got a new one :) XOXO

Eve @ A Full Heart said...

Happy Birthday Liane!!! Vanessa, find me at Eve Brestak on FB. I got a new one :) I tried to find you but couldn't. XOXO